The Team

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Founders 2016/17
Jess Paddon, Corran Wood, Sher Khan, and Ola Mazur.
Through this academic year the foundations for the SMASH group were formed and the initial SMASH Framework

Team 2017/18
Corran Wood, Jess Paddon (whilst on placement year out), Matty Trueman, Abby Butler and Callum Rooney.
This academic year the focus was on created and sharing resources. Many outputs were created this year including ‘The Seven Ways’ cards, a guest blog post, a workshop with members of staff and students at Sheffield Hallam University and presenting at #CAN18 at the University of Winchester.

Team 2018/19
Jess Paddon, Matty Trueman (whilst on placement year out), Callum Rooney, Ola Mazur, Joe Gilbert, Amy Leake.
Throughout this academic year the focus was on identifying new collaboration tools. Many outputs were created this year including the ‘Reverse Social Media’ cards, leading a staff workshop and writing a guest blog post.

Team 2019/20
Matty Trueman, Kai Ackroyd, Curtis Alexis-Jones and Gagan Warinch.
This academic year the focus was on building on the framework and introducing a 4th pillar. The outputs created this year including writing two guest blog posts and presenting at the #SocMed19 Conference at Edge Hill University and at #BETT20.