Celebrating a milestone: The 200th #LTHEchat

LTHEchat – A short acrostic poem by Sue Beckingham

On the 17th March 2021 the weekly Learning and Teaching in Higher Education tweetchat reached a special milestone – the 200th #LTHEchat. For anyone who is not familiar with the chat, this is an hour long Q&A focussed on a topic relating to learning and teaching introduced by a guest. The conversation is stimulated by 6 or so questions to prompt thoughts and reflections, and an opportunity to share ideas and practice relating to the topic.

The focus of the 200th chat was to provide an opportunity for the community to reflect on the tweetchat. In the blog post promoting this, there was a task to prepare in advance and then share at the start of the chat. This asked participants to:

Please consider preparing a picture of an object, model, drawing, collage etc. with a caption that shows what the #LTHEchat means to you. 

My response is the image above which includes a mini acrostic. In this post I have expanded this into a poem

For anyone unfamiliar with what a tweetchat is, take a look at the slidedeck below.

About Sue Beckingham

A National Teaching Fellow, Educational Developer and Principal Lecturer in Computing with a research interest in the use of social media in higher education.
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